Friday, May 13, 2011

Phil's Finale

Phil Jackson's body and soul are done.

Wonderful article this morning on Phil Jackson by Bill Simmons of ESPN.

Simmons sat down with Phil in late March and discussed a variety of topics- the Lakers, Kobe, the Knicks, Jordan, and his future. As does Simmons, I think this is the last we will see of Phil Jackson. I feel very fortunate to have been able to watch Phil Jackson make great runs with the Bulls and Lakers. He is a great inspiration to me and a role model. I felt he always stood for the right things when it came to basketball, people, and life. I am not sure Simmons could have summed it up any better:

"The good news: Nobody will remember that Dallas sweep in eleven years, just the eleven rings and every relationship he fostered along the way. Steve Kerr told me once that what made Jackson special -- and Popovich too -- was that he cared about his twelfth guy as much as his best guy. He spent time with his players, bought them gifts, thought about what made them tick. He connected with them, sold them on the concept of a team, stuck up for them when they needed him. His actual coaching -- calling plays, working refs, figuring out lineups and everything else that we see -- was a smaller piece of a much bigger picture. His players competed for him for many reasons, but mainly because they truly believed Jackson cared about them. Which he definitely did."

This is what I would like to become- more than just a basketball coach. I want to become a mentor- someone who helps shape people and made them realize that they were part of something bigger than themselves. I hope Phil finds happiness and peace wherever he takes his life to from here. Although he may never again be on a basketball sideline, I don't think he is done imparting his wisdom on us.

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